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About Us

Staff at the MSU Light Stable Isotope Core Facility provide a combined 50+ years of experience in stable isotope analysis, instrumentation, and data interpretation. Please get in touch with us to discuss how our facility can help you answer your scientific questions. 


Jim Moran Jim Moran (Associate Professor of Integrative Biology and Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences): Dr. Moran has extensive experience with stable isotope analysis of light elements (H, C, O, N) using isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) and a wide array of different peripheral devices including gas chromatography, elemental analysis, gas bench, dual inlet, and laser ablation sample introduction approaches. Dr. Moran also has recent experience with innovative spectroscopy techniques including capillary absorption spectroscopy for making stable isotope measurements. He has applied his experience in stable isotope measurement and data interpretation to applications in ecology, microbial ecology, forensics, environmental science, and soil science applications. Dr. Moran is the director of the stable isotope core facility.  



Hasand Gandhi Hasand Gandhi (stable isotope facility manager): Dr. Gandhi has been with the stable isotope facility for more than 25 years.  He oversees and coordinates the stable isotope analysis of both solid (C, N) and gas (N2O, CO2, N2, O2) samples.  He has extensive experience with preparing and analyzing samples via Dual Inlet, Trace Gas, Gas Chromatograph or an Elemental Analyzer coupled to an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer.  He is available to discuss your sample needs and can advise you on the best course of sample preparation for analysis.