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Seminar Series

Upcoming IBIO Seminars for Spring 2025

Date Speaker

Title of Talk

2/4 Sarah McMenamin "Mechanisms that shape and pattern the fish tai"
2/18 Casey Dunn "Genomic perspectives on natural history in the
open ocean"
3/18 Johana Goyes Vallejos "Revisiting sexual selection at the intersection of
sex roles and parental care"
3/25 Catherine Lindell "Birds in managed ecosystems in tropical and
temperate America"
4/1 Kelly Aho "Carbon and nitrogen cycling in inland waters:
Using greenhouse gases to understand aquatic
biogeochemistry under a changing climate"
4/15 Osceola Whitney "The Brainy Secrets of Social Singing"
4/29 Allyson Brady "Microbial biosignatures: insights into microbial
ecology, biogeochemical cycling and


Contact Ingo Braasch at braasch@msu.edu for Zoom information.

All seminars will be held in Rooms 203C, Natural Science Building, 3:30 PM.

Download a printable schedule here.