Scholarships & Awards
The Jeffery Boettcher Fund for Field Study in Biology
March 15
The Fund honors the memory of Jeff Boettcher, who attended Michigan State University and wanted to become a professional biologist. The purpose of the Fund is to help other students have the benefits of the travel and field experiences he so much enjoyed. The Jeffrey Boettcher Fund for Field Study in Biology makes multiple awards of $300-$1000 each year to help undergraduate students undertake field study, especially off-campus field study. Financial assistance is available to engage in formal courses, independent study, or original research carried out, partly or fully, in field settings, including Kellogg Biological Station. Supportable expenses include travel, tuition, room, board, and costs of educational or research materials.
Students in any department or program are eligible. Although preference is given to off-campus field study in marine biology or invertebrate biology, other field study topics are eligible and encouraged.
How to Apply
The Jeffrey Boettcher Fund for Field Study in Biology Application, including a description of the types of projects that are eligible, is available online. Applications must be submitted using the online form. Letters of Recommendation should be emailed directly to Eila Roberts ( by the letter writers. Letters will be treated confidentially by the Awards Committee.
Past Winners
The 2023 Jeffrey Boettcher Fund for Field Study in Biology Winners were: Emily Bardwell, Helena Bunte, Carissa Clark, Amanda Chmura, Tyler Jennings, and Abigail Snelling. View the complete list of Boettcher Winners.
Kathleen M. Franz zoo and aquarium internship scholarship
April 10
This undergraduate scholarship is for promising students who are completing the required Zoo and Aquarium Internship as part of their degree program. Its goal is to provide financial support for interns who show strong potential in the zoo and aquarium fields and preference will be given to students who illustrate financial need. Selection of the recipients will normally be made in the spring prior to their summer internships. Three or four scholarships will be awarded each year of at least $750.
Students must apply for this award.
Undergraduate recipients shall be selected on the following basis:
- Enrollment in the Zoo and Aquarium Concentration of the Zoology BS program
- Student potential as demonstrated through, but not limited to, their coursework, volunteering, employment, membership in professional organizations, or other activities related to the zoo and aquarium fields
- Financial need, particularly those who would have to take out a loan or take on a second job to pay for this experience
How to Apply
The application packet should include:
- Copies of all university transcripts
- Current resume or CV
- A document indicating the internship that has been secured and any funding or other supports secured (e.g., lodging at the institution, stipend, other scholarships) OR a list of internships that have been applied for if the selection processes are not yet complete
- Maximum two double-spaced pages from the student describing the position(s), their preparation, the importance of this position to their career goals, and the importance of this funding to their ability to complete this experience
- Two letters of recommendation are required with one being from a College of Natural Science faculty member supporting their candidacy for this internship Scholarship (but may not be from Dr. Eila Roberts or the IBIO Chair) – these can be emailed directly from the letter writers
All application materials must be submitted by 5 pm on the date indicated in order to be eligible for consideration. This includes transcripts, forms, and supplementary materials as well as letters of reference. Applicants are responsible for assuring that writers of letters of reference know and meet the deadline.
Submit application materials via email:
Send the completed packet to Eila Roberts at
Submit application materials via mail:
Franz Scholarship Submissions
Department of Integrative Biology
203 Natural Science Building
East Lansing MI 48824
Dr. Marvin Hensley Endowed Scholarship Fund in Zoology
March 15
The undergraduate award of this scholarship is for students who are majoring in Zoology. Its goal is to further the disciplines of zoological and biological science by providing financial support for students pursuing education in vertebrate zoology with an emphasis on field study. Selection of the recipient normally will be made in the spring of the year with the award being paid for the upcoming fall. One scholarship is awarded each year.
Students can self-nominate themselves for this award.
Undergraduate recipients shall be selected on the following basis:
- Enrolled in undergraduate studies in the Department of Integrative Biology throughout the proposed project period
- An outstanding academic record
- Studying a topic related to vertebrate biology and/or vertebrate zoology with emphasis on field research
- Financial support may be considered
How to Apply
The application packet should include:
- Copies of all university transcripts
- Maximum two double-spaced pages describing research project including duration of project
- Letter of recommendation from faculty/advisor who will supervise the project
- Copy of proposed budget including requests for travel, equipment, lodging, service costs, software, etc.
All application materials must be submitted by 5 pm on the date indicated in order to be eligible for consideration. This includes transcripts, forms, and supplementary materials as well as letters of reference. Applicants are responsible for assuring that writers of letters of reference know and meet the deadline.
Submit application materials via email:
Send the completed packet to Eila Roberts at
Submit application materials via mail:
Hensley Scholarship Submissions
Department of Integrative Biology
203 Natural Science Building
East Lansing MI 48824
Past Winners
The 2023 Dr. Marvin Hensley Endowed Scholarship Fund in Zoology was Ethan Wallace. View the complete list of Undergraduate Hensley Winners.
Outstanding Academic Achievement and Promise in Zoology Award
March 15
This award recognizes two outstanding graduating seniors in the zoology program who show an interest in the subject as a career and academic credentials to back it up. The applicants will be judged on achievement, passion for zoology and a commitment to academic goals. The awardees names will be included in the Spring Commencement program book and read by the Dean during program ceremonies. A certificate of commendation is issued by the department.
Requires nomination by Integrative Biology faculty, graduate students or graduate assistants. Please submit nomination letters electronically to
Past Winners
The 2023 Outstanding Academic Achievement and Promise in Zoology Award winners were: Hannah Byrne, Rebecca Fisher, and Campbell Melton.View the complete list of Outstanding Academic Achievement and Promise in Zoology Winners.
Karl A. Stiles and James W. Butcher Award
March 15
This award honors academic potential in undergraduate students. The recipient of this award receives a sum of $550.00 in their university account to help with academic costs.
Selection is usually made from among sophomore year students who show promise through scholarship and career development in some aspect of zoology. Academic achievement is the foundation of this award but demonstrated evidence of zoological accomplishment is considered.
How to Apply
Requires nomination by Integrative Biology faculty, graduate students or graduate
assistants. Please submit nominations electronically to
This award is administered as part of the All-University Awards Program. The annual
selection of a recipient is by a committee appointed by the department chairperson.
Past Winners
On June 14, 1990, Katherine F. Crowley was given the first Karl A. Stiles/James W. Butcher award. The 2032 Stiles & Butcher Award winner was Kayla Fowler. View the complete list Stiles & Butcher Winners.
In 1990, an anonymous benefactor established the Karl A. Stiles and James W. Butcher award to recognize outstanding undergraduate students and faculty in the Department of Zoology (now the Department of Integrative Biology). The award is named for two former professors in the Department whose research and leadership accomplished much for this field:
Dr. Stiles was born in 1895. He received his B.A. degree at Battle Creek College in 1927, and took his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Michigan in 1931 and 1935. From 1934 to 1945 he was a professor and head of biology at Coe College in Iowa. In 1945 he joined the Biological Science Department in the Basic College at Michigan State College. He became a full professor in 1946 and then Head of the Department of Zoology in January of 1948. In 1966 Dr. Stiles received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Ferris State University. He was the author of 20 books and manuals, and 47 professional papers. Dr. Stiles was known for his studies on human heredity, in particular, genetic basis of Down's Syndrome. He died on May 16, 1968 in Battle Creek at the age of 72.
James W. Butcher, Professor and Chairman.
Born in 1917, Dr. Butcher received his B.S. degree in 1943 at the University of Pittsburgh. After serving in World War II, he received his M. S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1949 and 1951 from the University of Minnesota. He joined the Department of Entomology at Michigan State University in 1957, and became a full professor in 1965. Because of his administrative skills, he was appointed Assistant Dean of the College of Natural Science in 1969; later, in 1972, he was promoted to Associate Dean of the College. During 1974, he became Chairman of the Department of Zoology. From 1966 to 1967, Dr. Butcher studied in Vienna, Austria on a Fulbright Research Fellowship. He is the author of numerous papers on forest insects, pesticide side-effects, and soil zoology. He was listed in Outstanding Educators of America in 1971. Dr. Butcher retired July 1, 1982 to St. Augustine, Florida. He died May 12, 1996 at the age of 79.