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Integrative Biology RCR Tracking System

To track and validate RCR training by Integrative Biology research personnel, we use the Research Training Tracking System (RTTS) developed by the MSU College of Engineering.  Below are instructions for all individuals who require RCR training. Separate instructions will be provided for faculty supervisors.

General Instructions for RTTS

  1. Go to the Research Training Tracking System.
  2. Register or login using your MSUNetID. Once you are logged in, click on Select Create/Edit Trainee Account. Here you will select your primary college and department, and the department for which you are required to take the courses. You will also be asked for the MSUNetID of your faculty supervisor. This will usually be your advisor, but it may be another person if you are working on the research of another faculty member.
  3. You will be transfered to the Add/Edit Training Courses page. Here you can select courses from an Integrative Biology-specific list of options. You should notice that some courses are fixed topics while such as PI meeting or Other, have a field where topic can be added. Once you select a course, you can put in the number of hours and the date the training was taken.
  4. Note that you can select an option more than once, if you repeat the activity on a later date. You can also write in notes to provide additional details.
  5. Save the record.
  6. You are responsible for reporting your training activities as accurately as possible. Also, your faculty supervisor will be asked to certify your completion of the activities, so you should consult closely with him/her about the activities you plan to take.

Specific Instructions

IBIO 801

  1. This course will cover a number of RCR topics during the course of the semester. However, it is not entirely about RCR, so you will need to report only time spent on RCR.
  2. Treat each class session devoted to RCR as a separate instance of the ZOL/IBIO 801 option.  For each session that you use in this way, click the ZOL/IBIO 801 and provide the appropriate date/duration info, and indicate in the Notes what the class session was about.

MSU Graduate School Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop Series

1. Go to the Graduate School RCR website where you will find a list of specific face-to-face courses covering various RCR topics.

2. Each time you complete a module, select the Workshop Series option in the RTTS system, enter the duration and date of the module, and insert a note indicating the topic of the module

CITI Program

This is a program that is available for RCR training by a consortium of universities that includes MSU. The topics covered include many activities that are also covered in MSU courses developed by the Graduate School, so you can treat this as an alternative way to get training in these topics. What to do:

  1. Go to the CITI Program, where you will see the registration/login screen. Log in.
  2. After providing a bunch of information over the next few screens, you will be able to navigate to the "Select Curriculum" page. Farther down the page you will see some Questions. Answer "Not At This Time" for all of them except for Question 3, where you will find the option of RCR for Biomedical Investigators.
  3. Taking the course: Entering this RCR for Biomedical Investigators course will take you to a page with a table on it. When you click on the "Enter" link, you will be taken to the CITI modules that are listed in the RTTS site, and to further instructions. The instructions will say that you have to complete all of the modules to have completed the RCR for Biomedical Investigators. However, we are mainly interested in what you report on the RTTS system - where the individual modules are listed as options.

Note: once you have registered for the site, you will come directly to this page after login.