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Graduate Program

We offer graduate programs leading to a Master of Science (M.S.) and/or Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degrees in Integrative Biology.

To apply, create an account in Michigan State University's centralized application system here.

About Graduate Studies in IBIO

Eighty to ninety students are usually enrolled in our graduate Melissa Brady handling a raptor. Photo provided by Melissa Brady. program at any given time. Each student is admitted to the graduate program under the sponsorship of a faculty member(s) whose research interests match those of the applicant. We expect applicants will carefully review the research interests of faculty accepting graduate students and contact prospective graduate advisors well in advance of the application deadline (December 1st) to inquire about possible sponsorship.

Students can satisfy the degree requirements for Integrative Biology alone or obtain a joint degree with one of MSU’s interdisciplinary graduate programs. Visit the page for prospective students to learn more about these options and how to apply. Other links in the Graduate Program menu above provide additional information about the program.

The Graduate Director, Louise Mead, and the Graduate Program Coordinator, Katherine Terry, can help you find answers to your questions about graduate studies in our department. It is also helpful to talk with your prospective graduate advisor(s).


IBIO Graduate Director
Louise Mead
Graduate Director
(517) 355-4640

Katherine Terry, Department of Integrative Biology Graduate Secretary.
Katherine Terry
Graduate Program Coordinator
(517) 355-4640


