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Eastern Meadowlark photo by Jeffrey Hamilton
October 19, 2023
A  collaboration led by IBIO post-doc Casey Youngflesh found that birds produce fewer young if they start breeding too early or late in the season.
Two turtles on a log, courtesy of Ralphs_Fotos, Pixabay
October 19, 2023
Sarah Fitzpatrick and Cinnamon Mittan-Moreau found that genetic rescue can increase the diversity of small, isolated populations, and help them recover from inbreeding.
A black tern in flight. Credit: Georg Wietschorke
July 21, 2023
Kayla Davis is the first author of a new report in "Biological Conservation," outlining new opportunities to enhance the outlook of black terns' survival.
MSU's XPRIZE Team; photo credit J.P. Lawrence, Lyman Briggs College
July 21, 2023
Phoebe Zarnetske, scientific lead for the XPRIZE Rainforest ACTNOW Amazonas team, assembled MSU's team for the competition.
Elise Zipkin. Photo Credit: Harley J. Seeley
July 21, 2023
Zipkin’s 2023 IRPE award in terrestrial ecology honors her achievement of combining empirical data with innovative mathematical and statistical methods.
Three-spine stickleback fish. Credit: Boughman Lab
July 21, 2023
Boughman collaborated with Australian biologists to study how specific ecological changes alter evolutionary processes that impact biodiversity.
MSU Ph.D. graduate Laura Twardochleb investigates the effects of warming on damselflies. Credit: Phoebe Zarnetske
May 19, 2023
A former IBIO doctoral student works with Phoebe Zarnetske and Chris Klausmeier on how damselflies adapt to warmer water temperatures.
Gallant and team survey a stream for electric fish in Gabon. Credit: Lauren Koenig
May 17, 2023
Using an NSF grant, Gallant and colleagues hope to understand implications from African elephantfish which evolved to have sperm with no tails but an electric-powered mating call.
Glacier National Park. Credit: Daniel Crowley
May 16, 2023
Alisha Shah and colleagues examine the biology of meltwater stoneflies against the backdrop of climiate change.
Selection of paintings of teleost fish by Francis de Laporte de Casteinua, Author, Chiswick Chap
May 16, 2023
Braasch Lab works with a consortium to help solve an evolutionary debate regarding fish lineage